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Storm Responce Policy

We pledge to provide the shortest response time possible before, during, and after a storm or other emergency. We also pledge to protect and preserve our employees and their families during such emergencies. In accordance with this principle, employees will not be permitted to work in unsafe conditions where sustained winds speeds are equal to or greater than 30 mph. Additionally, employees will not be permitted to work where they are in danger from lightning strikes and other severe weather threats.

In the event of a Tropical Storm (or greater) Warning, Wiley's Gas And Appliances will adhere to the following:

Installation Department
• Secure any and all equipment in intallation stage.

Service Department

Customers will be serviced in accordance with the following priority sequence:
1. Critical Facilities & Platinum Customers
- Critical & Life Safety Facilities
- Platinum pre-storm inspections
2. All pending Level III* repairs where parts are in stock
3. Scheduled maintenance visits for Silver, Gold and Platinum contract holders
4. Additional service call requests from Silver, Gold and Platinum contract holders
5. Service call requests from non-contract holders

*Level III repairs are defined as any issue that causes a system to be inoperable.


Contact Us

Give us a call at 386-289-4056, or contact us by email, and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Sales: 386-289-4056
Fax: 386-289-4056
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